Hi, I’m Stephanie

I’m a designer, writer and mentor. I like bringing a lot of people together to help design products that lots of other people use.

My design work

I’m currently working at Uber, across our Mobility, Eats and Health initiatives for XM business users across the world. I lead the design on Uber for Business — enabling workplaces (including much of the Fortune 500) to access experiences built for enterprise users.

In the past, I worked at Google and AKQA.

Before design, I worked as a writer focusing on luxury travel and Asia— here’s some of my work. Fun fact: I wrote a guidebook to Taipei for Louis Vuitton Travel that you can still buy here.

My writing

What I love

Hiking the hills of Berkeley and Marin, scuba diving anywhere warm with big pelagic animals, drinking and learning about wine, and making overly elaborate travel itineraries.